Since many generative artificial intelligence (genAI) tools are neither an author nor a source, we advise that you include a disclosure statement of their use, rather than cite them. This disclosure will include:
Please see an example of how to do so on our Student Sample Paper.
For more guidance on what constitutes misuse of Artificial Intelligence Tools, please see our Academic Integrity for Students Guide.
Students are responsible for their use of artificial intelligence tools. Misuse of AI would most likely be considered Cheating according to Assiniboine’s Policy on Academic Integrity (A25). Using content generated by AI tools which is non-existent or false could be considered Fabrication. For more information on those sanctions, please see the Policy on Academic Integrity (A25).
Ask your instructor about the use of artificial intelligence tools in your coursework.
Artificial intelligence tools that the Library suggests using when allowed are:
If you’d like guidance on how to use these or other artificial intelligence tools with integrity, reach out to the Library staff.
Tools known as citation managers can help you create your reference lists. They allow you to:
The Library offers support for the following citation managers:
To familiarize yourself with APA style, we recommend reading our Citing Help guide. We also suggest completing our APA referencing tutorials:
The Library also offers in-person or online help. If you need additional support, fill out our Library Help request form and we’ll contact you to provide guidance.
The Learning Curve provides help with writing, including incorporating quotations into your assignment. Book an appointment to schedule a help session.
Computers for student use are available throughout college campuses, including a computer lab at the Victoria Ave E. Campus Library which is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Your Assiniboine OneDrive account allows you to access college files from your own device or while off campus.
Review the OneDrive Storage instructions from IT Services to learn how to save files to your OneDrive. For help, contact IT Services.
IT Services maintains all college accounts, printers, and computers on campus. Please visit the IT Services Help Desk for online support or email IT Services.
If you continue to have issues, fill out our Help Request form and we'll work to help you access the library databases.
Once you send the job, you can pick it up from the printer to which you printed.
Printers available to students, faculty, and staff are located throughout college campuses, mainly in the hallways. To determine what printer to install, look for the printer name label on the printer (see example below) and install it using that name.
Note: Student printers are identified by the inclusion of the word "Student" in the printer name (e.g. 400P6Student).
Students can purchase printing credits online from Assiniboine's printing portal or in person at Admissions and Registration. The minimum purchase amount is $10.00. For more information, review the Purchasing Printer Credits for Student Printing information from IT Services. For help, contact IT Services.
Black & White | Colour | |
Letter (8.5"x11") | $0.10 | $0.50 |
Legal (8.5"x14") | $0.15 | $0.75 |
Ledger (11"x17") | $0.20 | $1.00 |
For double-sided printing, the cost is applied per side.
Some printers are defaulted to print double-sided – these are mainly black & white printers. To verify that double-sided printing is enabled or to turn it on:
Printers available to students, faculty, and staff are located throughout college campuses, mainly in hallways. Look for the printer name label on the printers to find the one that matches the printer to which you sent your document.
Students, faculty, and staff are responsible for their own printing. To print documents, follow our printer installation instructions or our printing from a device instructions.
There are three options for photocopying on campus.
In Canada, there are specific laws that govern how much of a published work (e.g. book) can be photocopied. Under these laws, called copyright, you’re allowed to copy:
You can only copy one of these two amounts, whichever is greater. For example, if a book is 100 pages, you’re allowed to copy 10%, which works out to 10 pages. However, if you need to copy one of the chapters and it’s 15 pages long, you’re allowed to copy the full chapter.
A good place to start your research is your program’s Library Guide. Library Guides provide several recommended resources to help you complete your assignments, including:
Library staff are also available for additional help. Fill out our Library Help form to request assistance.
If you need help understanding and planning your assignment, book an appointment with the Learning Curve.
The Library’s collection has books and other items on a wide variety of subjects related to programs taught at Assiniboine. You can find items on your topic by searching the Library.
Books aren’t the only place to find information for your assignment. You may find useful information through online resources, too. The Library provides a list of recommended online resources for your program through its Library Guides. Find your program and check out the suggested resources.
For a complete list of all the Library’s online resources, visit our A-Z List of Databases.
Databases are a great place to find information for your assignments. They provide access to a variety of information sources, including articles, from hundreds of publications. These are often provided through a subscription service. The Library has access to many great databases that can help you with your research.
View a list of the recommended databases for your program by visiting your program’s Library Guide.
You can request the article by filling out our Library Materials Request form. If available, an electronic copy of the article will be emailed to you.
To help you develop research skills required for your assignments, we recommend reading our Research Help guide. We also suggest completing the Research tutorials on our Tutorials guide. The Identifying Keywords and the Evaluating Information tutorials are especially helpful.
The Library also offers online or in-person support. If you need additional help, fill out our Library Help request form and we’ll contact you to provide guidance.