The Bursar's Office will bill you for tuition, room and board, and all mandatory fees. The fall payment due date is usually the beginning of August and the spring payment due date is usually the beginning of January. You must pay in full by the due date or a late fee will be assessed.
You have several options for paying the university bill. Visit the Bursar's Office for full details on billing and payments.
UMass Amherst also offers students the option to pay their university bills in monthly installments through the UPay payment plan. Monthly payments are automatically deducted from your bank account at no cost or by credit card with a 2.8% convenience fee. There is a $55 enrollment fee per semester for this payment plan.
For information on how to enroll in the UPay payment plan please visit the Bursar's Office or call 413-545-2368.
You may apply for a Parent PLUS Loan on the Forms section of this site or an alternative loan. These loans are not need-based. You can apply for any amount up to your unmet Cost of Attendance (Cost of Attendance – Financial Aid Awarded to Student = Unmet Cost of Attendance) regardless of your Expected Family Contribution.