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The resource dedicated to Witch Hunter Manhwa (위치헌터) by Jung-man Cho
We currently have 178 Articles and 879 Images on this Wiki. Remember to visit the Characters and Timeline page for details on the series!
Tasha Godspell, also known as the "Magic Marksman," is one of the best hunters there is. Along with his sword-wielding Jack-o’-Lantern partner known as Halloween, Tasha puts his magical training and weaponry to good use, in his constant battles against witches. And yet, he cannot bring himself to fully hate the very witches he is tasked to destroy.
Moirai Featured Article" width="300" height="273" />
Moirai (모이라이 Moilai) also known as Fates (운명 Unmyeong) are three goddesses who are key to Tasha's technique, Moirai's Confinement. Originally belonging to Edea, they are passed down to Tasha. By singing the Song of Moirai, they allow Tasha to meet Edea from beyond the grave and access her mana at the expense of being unprotected from Aria's curse. The Fates names are Atropos, Lachesis and Clotho.