South Jersey Gas On-Bill Repayment Program

The South Jersey Gas On-Bill Repayment program is designed to help you improve your property and save on operating expenses by installing eligible energy-efficient equipment.

The South Jersey Gas (SJG) On-Bill Repayment Program gives commercial customers the option to finance energy efficiency improvements on-bill and at zero percent interest, so utility customers:

The fine print

There’s no catch. Really. If you meet the loan terms, you have a zero percent interest rate that will not change; and there’s no penalty for paying early.

Eligible Properties: Commercial properties.

Loan Type: Unsecured On-Bill Repayment.

Loan Amounts: $2,500 - $250,000. On-Bill Repayment amount eligibility will depend on program. Check with your contractor with additional questions.

Loan Rate: Fixed at 0%.

Loan Term: Maximum of 5 years.

Prepayment: No penalty, can pay in full at any time.

Other: No fees, points, or closing costs.

What qualifies for financing?

The South Jersey Gas On-Bill Repayment program is designed to help you improve your property and save on operating expenses by installing eligible energy-efficient equipment. Financing can be combined with several of South Jersey Gas’s efficiency programs as noted below.

Program Eligibility: Please contact the SJG Commercial team at 1-888-263-7372 or by email at for a measure eligibility.

South Jersey Gas loan options
Loan options Direct Install Prescriptive and Custom
Maximum Loan Amount: $130,000 $150K on Prescriptive. $250K on Custom
Maximum Loan Term: 5 years 5 years

Does my property qualify?