Paying for Aimovig
*List price is also referred to as wholesale acquisition cost, or WAC.
WAC is the price at which Amgen sells its products to wholesalers.
Updated on Jan 05, 2024

Eligible commercially insured patients pay as little as
$5 per month † with the Aimovig ® Copay Card
† Eligibility criteria and program maximums apply Terms and conditions apply.
Aimovig ® Copay Card Terms and Conditions
It is important that every patient read and understand the full Aimovig ® (erenumab aooe) Copay Card Terms and Conditions. The following summary is not a substitute for reviewing the Terms and Conditions in their entirety
As further described below, in general
- The Aimovig Copay Card is open to patients with commercial insurance, regardless of financial need. The program is not valid for patients whose Aimovig prescription is paid for in whole or in part by Medicare, Medicaid, or any other federal or state programs. It is not valid for cash paying patients or where prohibited by law. (See ELIGIBILITY section in full Terms and conditions.)
- With the Aimovig Copay Card, a commercially insured patient who meets eligibility criteria may pay as little as a $5 co pay per month for their Aimovig monthly out of pocket costs. Monthly out of pocket costs include co payment, co insurance, and deductible out of pocket costs. Amgen will pay the remaining eligible out of pocket costs on behalf of the patient up to a Maximum Monthly Benefit, a Maximum Annual Program Benefit and/or the Patient Total Program Benefit. Patients are responsible for all amounts that exceed these limits. (See PROGRAM DETAILS section in full Terms and conditions.)
- The program provides assistance up to a Maximum Monthly Benefit except that the Maximum Monthly Benefit will not apply to the first 2 uses of the Aimovig Copay Card for Aimovig in any given calendar year.
- Offer is subject to change or discontinuation without notice.
- The Aimovig Copay Card provides support up to the Maximum Monthly Benefit, the Maximum Annual Program Benefit and/or Patient Total Program Benefit. If a patient s commercial insurance plan imposes different or additional requirements on patients who receive Aimovig Copay Card benefits, Amgen has the right to reduce or eliminate those benefits. Whether you are eligible to receive the Maximum Monthly Benefit, Maximum Program Benefit or Patient Total Program Benefit is determined by the type of plan coverage you have. Please ask your Aimovig All™ Support Team to help you understand eligibility for the Aimovig Copay Card, and whether your particular insurance coverage is likely to result in your reaching the Maximum Monthly Benefit, the Maximum Annual Program Benefit, or your Patient Total Program Benefit, by calling 1-833-AIMOVIG (1-833-246-6844). (See PROGRAM BENEFITS section in full Terms and conditions.)
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