Perinatal Mental Health

Perinatal mood and anxiety disorders are among the most common complications that occur in pregnancy or in the first 12 months after delivery. Despite the negative effects on maternal, obstetric, birth, offspring, partner, and family outcomes, perinatal mental health disorders often remain underdiagnosed, and untreated or under-treated.

ACOG recognizes the importance of educational tools to help ob-gyns and other women’s health care professionals address perinatal mental health conditions. To this end, ACOG is sharing the Lifeline for Moms Perinatal Mental Health Tool Kit TM , developed by the UMass Chan Medical School and reviewed by members of ACOG’s Maternal Mental Health Expert Work Group, to provide actionable information, algorithms, and clinical pearls to support detection, assessment, and treatment of perinatal mood and anxiety disorders.

Summary of Perinatal Mental Health Conditions

Patient Screening

Assessment and Treatment of Perinatal Mental Health Conditions

Educational Resources for Providers, Patients, and Families

Guide for Integrating Mental Health Care into Obstetric Practice


Please note: This information is designed as an educational resource to aid clinicians in providing obstetric and gynecologic care, and use of this information is voluntary. This information should not be considered as inclusive of all proper treatments or methods of care or as a statement of the standard of care. This information does not represent ACOG clinical guidance. It is not intended to substitute for the independent professional judgment of the treating clinician. Variations in practice may be warranted when, in the reasonable judgment of the treating clinician, such course of action is indicated by the condition of the patient, limitations of available resources, or advances in knowledge or technology. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists reviews its publications, toolkits and other resources regularly; however, this information may not reflect the most recent evidence.

While ACOG makes every effort to present accurate and reliable information, these publications, toolkits and other resources are provided “as is” without any warranty of accuracy, reliability, or otherwise, either express or implied. ACOG does not guarantee, warrant, or endorse the products or services of any firm, organization, or person. Neither ACOG nor its officers, directors, members, employees, or agents will be liable for any loss, damage, or claim with respect to any liabilities, including direct, special, indirect, or consequential damages, incurred in connection with this publication or reliance on the information presented.

Publications of the American College of Obstetrician and Gynecologists are protected by copyright and all rights are reserved. The College's publications may not be reproduced in any form or by any means without written permission from the copyright owner.

ACOG acknowledges the contributions of the University of Massachusetts and of Dr. Tiffany Moore Simas and Dr. Nancy Byatt of UMass Chan Medical School for their propriety paper toolkit and Guide for Integrating Mental Health Care into Obstetric Practice, which ACOG used with permission to adapt and post to ACOG’s website. Additional resources from non-ACOG sources are also included in this toolkit and Guide, are credited to their owners and are reprinted with permission from the copyright owners.

The UMass Chan Medical School Lifeline for Moms Perinatal Mental Health Toolkit was funded by Merck for Mothers via CDC Foundation and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention grant number U01DP006093. The UMass Chan Medical School Lifeline for Moms Guide for Integrating Mental Health Care into Obstetric Practice was supported by Strengthening Public Health Services for Pregnant and Postpartum Women through National Partnerships through the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) under the terms of cooperative agreement number 18-1802. This information should not be construed as the official position nor policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, or the U.S. Government.