Lisa Maile Professional Image Modeling & Acting School

The Maile School is top rate, from acting classes to modeling. The staff is very nice and professional. They look to help all students and also give much needed class on how to get good agents and do's and don't in the business. I have 3 daughters who are graduates of Maile . They loved the acting, modeling, and voice classes. We are so glad that we chose this school. My daughters are all now working in the business and are so glad that they are. Much more confident on auditions and always well prepared. This is due to their training at Maile. Thanks everyone for all your support at Maile.

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Great school! They have professional and knowledgeable staff. My son has attended a number of classes and I would highly recommend.

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Great school to get into the entertainment business or just build confidence and self esteem. Would highly recommend it to any adult, teen or kid.

Provided by YPmobile


this school is awesome. family friendly, welcoming, just great people.they make you feel at home. they bring in people from the market to give seminars! I graduated from two classes. they explain top you the ups and downs of the business. Really positive people. great price. take advantage. I've been scammed allot, and lied to, but this place is no like it. I'm Ephrain Arguello and I love that school. the male school one of the best

More Business Info

"We are committed to teach and guide our students and clients for success in the entertainment industry, in the work place, and in life."

BBB Rating A+ BBB Rating and Accreditation information may be delayed up to a week.

BBB Accredited businesses follow the BBB Code of Business Practices and pay a fee for accreditation review and monitoring. Accreditation is not a BBB endorsement or evaluation of the business’ product quality or competency in performing services.

BBB Rating and Accreditation information may be delayed up to a week.

Regular Hours
Mon - Thu: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
Fri: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Sat: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Services/Products The Maile Image, Modeling & Acting School has been training talent in Central Florida longer than any other school if its kind. Classes include: Image, Modeling & Acting for Children, Teens and Adults. Payment method discover, visa, mastercard, cash, amex, check Location We are located in Winter Park, Florida Neighborhood Winter Park Amenities The Maile Image, Modeling & Acting School is the hub of the entertainment industry! We offer a free seminar with all our classes to help each student achieve their goal in the entertainment industry. Associations Recommended by top talent agencies and is the home of John Peros Casting, Central Florida's busiest and most respected Casting Company AKA

Parking: Lot