Illustration of hand pressing the play button next to pause and stop for a story about active consent." width="" height="" />
When I grew up most of our conversations around consent focused on the catchphrase "no means no".
We now understand that relying on only words to communicate consent is limiting and can have devastating consequences.
"On a social level, we need to teach people about making sure the person you are with wants to be with you," says Saxon Mullins, the woman who accused Luke Lazarus of raping her behind a King's Cross nightclub in 2013.
Mr Lazarus was convicted by a jury and served 11 months of a three-year non-parole period. However, he was acquitted in a judge-only trial after the judge ruled that while Ms Mullins had not consented, Mr Lazarus believed she was consenting.
The Four Corners investigation prompted the NSW Government to refer the state's consent laws to the Law Reform Commission for review.
Last week the commission released a set of draft proposals that will strengthen the laws, bringing them into line with Victoria and Tasmania.
Recent cases like this and living in a post #MeToo world have reinvigorated conversations around active, enthusiastic and affirmative consent.
But it's possible you're not up to speed on how they differ or what they look like.
"For every one person that understands consent, there are 10 who don't," says sexologist Tanya Koens.
"We still live in a world where the absence of 'no' equals 'yes'. Where sex is something that men are taught to 'take' from women. Where men are the subjects and women are the objects."
You may also not be aware active consent can actually lead to more pleasure.
"When we have clear and honest communications about sex, then we don't have to be up in our heads second-guessing every move we make and wondering if the other person will like what we do or want to do what we want," says Ms Koens.
Active consent is free, honest and ongoing agreement.
The fear of being accused of lying about sexual assault is a big reason why many women don't speak up, and it's explored in the discussion-provoking series.
"Active and enthusiastic consent isn't something that happens once at the beginning of a sexual encounter, but should continue the entire way through sexual activity," sex therapist Isiah McKimmie says.
"It might involve asking permission to kiss someone or expressing a desire for something such as giving or receiving oral sex, and then asking them if that's OK or if they want that too."
Sexologist Armin Ariana describes it as a "state of comfort, happiness and pleasure throughout a sexual journey" — not a question.
"'Yes' does not mean you can do whatever you want, whenever you want, and however you want it. Even consented initiation can be broken if one decided not to continue," he says.
Ms Koens says it's not just about the continuous checking in with your partner, but also yourself.
"I define consent as an inside job. It comes from within us and what we feel will be OK."
To fight is to confront the threat aggressively.
Flight means you run from the danger.
When you freeze, you find yourself unable to move or act against the threat.
Fawn is the response of complying with the attacked to save yourself.
And because sometimes we can't communicate what's OK for us, we may be outside of consent without being able to let someone know.
An example might be someone who has experienced trauma and they might go into fight, flight, fawn or freeze.
That's why the onus is also on the person seeking our consent "to be aware of our bodies and what's happening to us", Ms Koens says — to look for cues other than verbal.
"They can't tell you they are outside of consent, but you can notice if they suddenly stop talking or their jaw clenches up or their pupils dilate [for example]," she says.
Affirmative consent is another term and basically means seeking a yes, rather than the absence of a no.
You've probably heard about enthusiastic consent too — a "hell yes" as opposed to a "yes".
"It can be confusing because they mean different things to different people," Ms Koens says.
For example, Ms McKimmie says enthusiastic consent "takes active consent an important step further … ensuring that someone is wholeheartedly agreeing to — and is enthusiastic about — the sexual activity they're about to be involved in".
The legal definition of consent varies state to state in Australia.
And according to Jonathan Crowe, Professor of law at Bond University, active consent "goes beyond Australian law".
He says while it's "fairly well accepted" that not fighting back does not mean someone is consenting to sex, active and enthusiastic consent is "much more" than that.
A new campaign aims to shame the Queensland Government for its delay in addressing a legal loophole allowing sexual offenders to escape responsibility.
"When people talk about terms like enthusiastic or active consent, they mean the idea that you have two partners who are actively communicating in an ongoing way through their sexual encounter, and both partners are expressing positive consent to each new sexual act," Professor Crowe says.
"There has been discussion about whether the law should move in that direction."
Still — "enthusiastic consent is what everyone should be aiming for", he says.
"If people are worried about if they would get into legal trouble for having sex with someone and are not sure if they have consent, they should aim for enthusiastic consent which will allay those fears."
Active consent doesn't mean you have to repeatedly ask someone "Is this OK? Is this OK?" during a sexual encounter (although to do that would be better than to assume otherwise).
Photo shows Feminist activists including Julia Baird and Carissa Lee who contributed to story about self-care in the MeToo era
From leaning on like-minded women to scheduling some time offline, here are some ways to take care of yourself in the #MeToo era.
Instead Ms Koens suggests asking questions like "What can make this even better?", "Do you feel like making out?", "It is OK that I touch you that way?"
"You are just checking in over that process and giving the person time to change their mind. Tell them it's OK to change your mind," she says.
If answers to your questions are ever "maybe" or "um" or "I don't know", then that's a "definite no", Ms Koens says.
Active consent is not assuming because someone agreed to come back to your apartment they are giving consent, for example.
"It's not getting someone back to your place and saying 'Hurray, I'm getting laid' without realising they might have changed their mind or they're quite drunk.
"So many of my clients say they said yes, then didn't want to, but didn't know how to say no.
Many people fear judgment when they want to talk about things that they like or would be interested in trying out when it comes to sex, writes sexologist Tanya Koens.
"I know lots of people have drunk sex, but a lot of those experiences don't pass the sunlight test — where you wake up the next day and don't feel really good about what happened."
Dr Ariana says it's also helpful to know what body signals are unreliable when it comes to sex; for example, an erection.
"The physical presentation of arousal is not the consent," he says.
"I've heard this narrative of 'She was wet and therefore I assumed she is ready and she wants me'. No, that was only her body and her physiology responding to a stimulus."
Here are some questions that will help you form active consent:
Remind the person you're with that they're free to say no at any point.
Kate Phelan is a lecturer at RMIT's School of Global, Urban and Social Studies.
She says while active consent is a great conversation starter, it won't have the impact we desire without changing the sexual narrative.
Photo shows Two women lay in bed with lips touching for a story about asking for what you want in the bedroom during sex.
We want to explore and experience pleasure, but often we're too afraid to ask for what we want. Tanya Koens explains how to get those conversations on the table for better sex.
"Our current dominant sexual narrative is that a man pursues a woman and she — at least to begin with — is meant to resist, be coy and play hard to get," she says.
"So long as we have the narrative of the sexual encounter that we do, the effectiveness of the notion of active consent will be severely compromised."
Basically, the current concept of sexuality is that a woman gives consent by resisting. That's what we're told we're supposed to do.
"I have a really hard time seeing how [things like active consent] will do what we want without changing the sexual narrative.
"But if active consent helps us talk about the sexual narrative and reimagining it, then it's a start."
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Your information is being handled in accordance with the ABC Privacy Collection Statement.Giving consent or having discussions around sex "can seem unsexy, lacking spontaneity, or taking you out of the moment, but it can also add passion, intimacy and pleasure", says Ms McKimmie.
Photo shows A woman's arms, in a white toweling bath robe, reach up from a hotel bed giving thumbs-up signs.
Only one in four women are masturbating regularly and it's affecting their ability to enjoy sex.
The clear and honest communications about sex that come with active consent mean we don't have to second-guess every move. We can "get out of our heads," says Ms Koens.
Negotiating what we want and don't want means the sex becomes clear and subsequently safe.
"Then our heads and bodies are free to dive into enjoying the experience," Ms Koens says.
She says active consent enhances pleasure by letting us just focus on the activities at hand.
"Also, people learning to feel into their bodies, and actually working out what they would like and being able to talk about it, creates a much better situation than 'outsourcing your pleasure' to your partner and hoping that they get it right."
And while active consent remains a new concept for many people, we need to keep talking about it, Ms McKimmie says.
"We need to create more awareness of active consent for people regardless of age or gender."
Posted Mon 28 Oct 2019 at 2:12am Monday 28 Oct 2019 at 2:12am Mon 28 Oct 2019 at 2:12am , updated Tue 21 Jan 2020 at 8:39pm Tuesday 21 Jan 2020 at 8:39pm Tue 21 Jan 2020 at 8:39pm