A SEP plan allows employers to contribute to traditional IRAs (SEP-IRAs) set up for employees. A business of any size, even self-employed, can establish a SEP.
Simplified Employee Pension (SEP) plans can provide a significant source of income at retirement by allowing employers to set aside money in retirement accounts for themselves and their employees. A SEP does not have the start-up and operating costs of a conventional retirement plan and allows for a contribution of up to 25 percent of each employee's pay.
Jed works for the Rambling RV Company. Rambling RV decides to establish a SEP for its employees. Rambling RV has chosen a SEP because the RV industry is cyclical in nature, with good times and down times. In good years, Rambling RV can make larger contributions for its employees and in down times it can reduce the amount. Rambling RV's contribution rate (whether large or small) must be uniform for all employees. The financial institution that Rambling RV has chosen for its SEP has several investment funds from which to choose. Jed decides to divide the contribution to his SEP-IRA among three of the available funds. Jed, an employee, cannot contribute because SEPs only permit employer contributions.
Who Contributes: Employer contributions only.
Contribution Limits: Total contributions to each employee's SEP-IRA are limited.
Filing Requirements: An employer generally has no filing requirements.
Participant Loans: Not permitted. The assets may not be used as collateral.
In-Service Withdrawals: Yes, but includible in income and subject to a 10% additional tax if under age 59 1/2.
The first action you'll need to take is to choose a financial institution to serve as trustee of the SEP-IRAs that will hold each employee's retirement plan assets. These accounts will receive the contributions you make to the plan.
There are three steps to establishing a SEP.
The written agreement must include the name of the employer, the requirements for employee participation, the signature of a responsible official and a definite allocation formula.
The IRS has a model SEP plan document, Form 5305-SEP, Simplified Employee Pension - Individual Retirement Accounts Contribution Agreement PDF . Do not file this form with the IRS.
You may not use Form 5305 - SEP if you:
If you can't use the Form 5305-SEP, you may use a prototype document. A mutual fund, insurance company, bank or other qualified institution usually provides these. You may also have a SEP individually designed for your business.
You must furnish your eligible employees:
If you use Form 5305-SEP, you must give your employees a copy of the form and its instructions. The model SEP is not considered adopted until each employee is provided with the following information:
If you use a prototype or individually designed plan you must give all eligible employees similar information.
A SEP-IRA must be set up by or for each eligible employee. They may be set up with banks, insurance companies or other qualified financial institutions. All SEP contributions must go to traditional IRAs. Employees are responsible for making investment decisions about their SEP-IRA accounts.
You and your employees will receive a statement from the financial institutions investing your SEP contributions both at the time you make the first SEP contributions and at least once a year after that. Each institution must provide a plain-language explanation of any fees and commissions it imposes on SEP assets withdrawn before the expiration of a specified period of time.
You can set up a SEP for a year as late as the due date (including extensions) of your business income tax return for the year you want to establish the plan.
An eligible employee is an individual (including a self-employed individual) who meets all the following requirements:
An employer can use less restrictive participation requirements than those listed, but not more restrictive ones.
An employer can exclude the following employees from a SEP or SARSEP:
Example 1: Employer X maintains a calendar year SEP. The eligibility requirements under the SEP are: an employee must perform service in at least three of the immediately preceding five years, reach age 21 and earn the minimum amount of compensation during the current year. Bob worked for Employer X during his summer breaks from school in 2016, 2017 and 2018, but never more than 34 days in any year. In July 2019, Bob turned 21. In August 2019, Bob began working for Employer X on a full-time basis, earning $30,000 in 2019. Bob is an eligible employee in 2019 because he has met the minimum age requirement, has worked for Employer X in three of the five preceding years and has met the minimum compensation requirement for 2019.
Example 2: Employer Y writes its SEP plan to provide for immediate participation regardless of age, service or compensation. John is age 18 and began working part-time for Employer Y in 2019. John is an eligible employee for 2019.
Employer contributions for each eligible employee must be:
In plan operation, you must follow the definition of compensation stated in the document. Compensation generally includes the pay a participant received from you for personal services for a year.
Special computations for self-employed individuals. When figuring the contribution for your own SEP-IRA, compensation is your net earnings from self-employment, less the following deductions:
For more information on the deduction limitations for self-employed individuals, see Publication 560 PDF .
You do not have to contribute every year. When you contribute, you must contribute to the SEP-IRAs of all participants who actually performed personal services during the year for which the contributions are made, even employees who die or terminate employment before the contributions are made.
See the SEP Fix-It Guide for additional information on contribution rules and other information on avoiding common problems in operating a SEP.
Employer contributions must be made by the due date (including extensions) for filing your federal income tax return for the year.
You can deduct your contributions and your employees can exclude these contributions from their gross income. SEP contributions are not subject to federal income tax withholding, social security, Medicare and federal unemployment (FUTA) taxes.
After you send the SEP contributions to the financial institution you selected, that institution will manage the funds. Employees can move their SEP-IRA assets from one traditional IRA to another. SEP contributions can be put into stocks, mutual funds, money market funds, savings accounts and other similar types of investments. Each employee makes the investment decisions for his or her own account.
Contributions to SEP accounts are always 100 percent vested, or owned, by the employee.
SEP contributions and earnings are held in SEP-IRAs and can be withdrawn at any time, subject to the general limitations imposed on traditional IRAs. A withdrawal is taxable in the year received. If a participant makes a withdrawal before age 59½, generally a 10% additional tax applies. SEP contributions and earnings may be rolled over tax-free to other IRAs and retirement plans.
SEP contributions and earnings must eventually be distributed following the IRA required minimum distribution rules.
Participant loans are not permitted.
You may roll over PDF your SEP-IRA into most IRAs and qualified plans.
Filing requirements: Generally, the employer has no filing requirements, including the Form 5500 return.
Do not include SEP contributions on employees' Form W-2 PDF , but check the "Retirement Plan" box in box 13. For more information, see the instructions PDF for Forms W-2 and W-3.
Notice requirements: Employers must provide employees:
You should conduct an annual check-up to help determine whether your SEP plan is operating within the rules. Checklists and tips are available to help with periodic reviews of your plan.
Generally, if the SEP fails to satisfy its legal requirements, tax benefits can be lost. However, any error can likely be corrected by using one of the IRS correction programs.
If you decide your SEP no longer suits your business, consult with your financial institution to determine if another type of retirement plan might be a better match.
To terminate a SEP, notify the SEP-IRA financial institution that you will no longer be contributing and that you want to terminate the contract or agreement. It is a good idea to notify your employees that you have discontinued the plan.
You do not need to give any notice to the IRS that you have terminated the SEP.