Employee Housing Agreement

Employee housing agreements create a landlord/tenant relationship between employer and employee. If you're considering providing employees with housing, you would be well-advised to have an employee housing agreement in place; without one, you won't be able to memorialize your expectations. Your employees should have a copy of the agreement, as they should be aware of the agreement's terms and what to expect from you concerning your responsibilities.
Types of Employment
- Employee housing agreements are commonly executed by employers who provide summertime or agricultural-related employment. It is typical for employees of dairy farms and ranching operations to be given housing agreements. These types of jobs often require employees to move away from their home residences because the work is seasonal or it's simply more convenient for employees to live on the premises due to hours of operation.
Housing Agreements
- Employee housing agreements are legally binding on you and your employees. These agreements must adhere to state law concerning landlords and tenants. For example, if you enter into a housing agreement with an employee, you must follow state law regarding notice and other eviction procedures if the employee fails to move out in a timely manner after termination.
Utilities and Rent
- An employee housing agreement may stipulate that your employee must have all utilities in her name; this relieves you of any liability if utilities aren't paid. Conversely, your agreement may state that you'll be paying utilities. This approach makes sense if the employee housing isn't in an entirely separate structure than your main residence. If you keep utilities in your name, you may add a reasonable fee to your employee's monthly rent -- if you're asking for rent. The decision to charge monthly rent is entirely up to you. Some employers do and others don't. If you decide to charge rent, you can include a clause that states you intend to collect rent via paycheck deductions.
Housing Rules
- Your employee housing agreement should set out housing rules. For example, you can include a provision that expressly prohibits pets, smoking indoors, and the possession of alcohol by minors. You can also set quiet hours from a certain time in the evening to a specific time in the morning. If you wish to reserve the right to inspect the premises, include a provision stating so.
- Dairy Herd Network: Where’s Your Employee Housing Agreement?
- SummerDenaliJobs.com: ARAMARK Parks and Destinations Alaska Employee Housing Handbook
- Sun Valley: Sun Valley Company Employee Housing Dorm Agreement 2011
- County of Santa Barbara Planning and Development: Farm Employee Housing Agreement
- Skagway Real Estate: Employee Housing Agreement
Andrine Redsteer's writing on tribal gaming has been published in "The Guardian" and she continues to write about reservation economic development. Redsteer holds a Bachelor of Arts in history from the University of Washington, a Master of Arts in Native American studies from Montana State University and a Juris Doctor from Seattle University School of Law.