How to Create a User Manual

This article was co-authored by Joe Simmons. Joe Simmons is a Corporate Trainer based in West Palm Beach, Florida. Joe specializes in operations management, leadership, learning and development, and employee training to help employees become high-performing teams. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Marketing from The University of South Florida. Joe’s coaching has helped numerous organizations with employee retention, revenue growth, and team productivity.

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Software, computers, games, and devices require user manuals, guides that explain how to use the product (and how not to). A user manual is a formal writing piece with a specific structure, and should be written by someone who is intimately familiar with the product such as a technical writer or the product designer. Writing an effective user manual requires knowing who is going to be using the product, then writing it with these users in mind. Keep your writing clear, precise, and simple in order to ensure a problem-free user experience.

Part 1 of 4:

Planning Your User Manual

Step 1 Do an audience analysis.

Step 2 Coordinate the design of the user manual.

Coordinate the design of the user manual. If you were part of the team that helped design and develop the device or product, it might be hard to look at the product objectively in order to explain its operation. You might, therefore, want to solicit the advice of a writer (preferably one with experience in writing instructions) and graphic designer in order to help you draft the user manual. You could choose these individuals from an outside consultancy or from your own company or organization.


Step 3 Do a task analysis.

Step 4 Ensure your product complies with labeling and marketing clearance requirements.

Step 5 Decide on your manual’s layout.

Advertisement Part 2 of 4:

Including Essential Information

Step 1 Organize the manual logically.

Organize the manual logically. The user manual should proceed in a way that the user will find most beneficial. [4] X Expert Source

Step 2 Include necessary warnings.

Include necessary warnings. The general warnings or cautionary information should provide information about potential threats improper use of the product could incur, including death or serious injury. These warnings should be placed in the very front of the manual after the cover page so that the user sees them first. Specific warnings should also be included in the text of the user manual just after or just before a potentially hazardous step is suggested.

Step 3 Describe the device.

Describe the device. Your description should include both a written explanation as to the device’s purpose and a small graphic depicting what the device looks like. The graphic should properly label and name all the switches, knobs, and attachable parts that the device includes.

Step 4 Include setup instructions.

Step 5 Provide information about operation.

Provide information about operation. This section is the main portion of the user manual and should provide concrete, detailed information on how to use the device. Begin with basic preparation for using the device, such as plugging it in or washing your hands. Move on to logical, numbered steps that describe how the device should be used, as well as feedback (for instance, “You’ll hear a click. ”) the user can expect when using the device appropriately.